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Finding Our Voices Panel and Community Conversation, In-Person at Northeast Harbor Library In-Person
MDI Public Libraries and Finding Our Voices presents: MDI Breaks the Silence of Domestic Abuse
Finding Our Voices is partnering with four public libraries and business communities to boldly break the silence of domestic abuse across Mount Desert Island through October.
Posters featuring photo portraits of 45 Maine survivors aged 18 to 83 paired with details of the abuse the women transcended are on exhibit at Jesup Memorial Library on Bar Harbor and the libraries of Northeast Harbor, Southwest Harbor and Bass Harbor, as well as in the downtown windows, dressing rooms and bathrooms of the business community.
At Northeast Harbor Library on Wednesday September 27, 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and at Jesup Memorial Library in Bar Harbor Wednesday October 4, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., a panel of survivors will lead a community conversation about emotional abuse and the impact on children. The in-person program at both libraries includes powerful short films on the subject, and a public reception with refreshments for continuing conversation with Finding Our Voices survivors. The events are free and open to the public.
Finding Our Voices Panel and Community Conversations In Person:
9/27/23 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Northeast Harbor Library https://nehlibrary.libcal.com/event/10920565.
10/4/23 6:00-8:00 p.m. at Jesup Library https://www.jesuplibrary.org/events/voices.
According to Patrisha McLean, founder/president of Finding Our Voices, these events are part of the innovative ways the survivor-powered grassroots nonprofit is ending the stigma and shame that are key factors in keeping women and children trapped in domestic abuse.
Finding Our Voices is also gifting the four MDI libraries with a set of its favorite domestic abuse-themed books. These include three books written by survivors on the Finding Our Voices posters, “The Road to After” by Rebekah Lowell, “Household” by Deb Gould, and “Savaged to Wellness” by Melody Paul.
The Finding Our Voices posters and bookmarks will be on display on the island through October’s Domestic Abuse Awareness Month, educating all to the complexity and ubiquity of domestic abuse and letting survivors know they are not alone and of the help that is out there for them.
Sponsors of the Finding Our Voices MDI program are Stanley Auto, ArtWaves, Shaw Jewelry, The Knowles Company, Artemis Gallery, Nor’Easter lobster pound and market, Copita restaurant and Smart Studio.
Other stops on the Finding Our Voices fall “Let’s Talk About It” tour include October 11 at the Millinocket Public Library, October 17 at the York Public Library, October 18 at Kennebunk Free Library, November 7 at Skidompha Library in Damariscotta, and November 28 at the Camden Public Library.
On November 28 at the Camden Public Library where Finding Our Voices first launched as a photo exhibit of Patrisha’s photo portraits of survivors in 2019, a panel of men will discuss the domestic abuse they endured as children and lead a community conversation about the subject.
For more information visit https://findingourvoices.net/.
Finding Our Voices is survivors of domestic abuse boldly breaking the silence of domestic abuse through bold public awareness as well as financial assistance and programs including dignified, pro bono dental care for Maine’s women and children survivors. Gathering and amplifying voices, the grassroots nonprofit galvanizes action toward more safety, rights, services, and justice for Maine women and children.
Patrisha McLean started the nonprofit after her own silence was broken with worldwide headlines on the domestic violence arrest of her then-husband Don “American Pie” McLean.
For questions, email programs@swhplibrary.org or call 207-244-7065 for assistance and details.
- Date:
- Wednesday, September 27, 2023
- Time:
- 6:30pm - 8:30pm
- Time Zone:
- Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
- Location:
- Offsite
- Audience:
- Adults General Adults Older Youth
- Categories:
- Activity Film / Screening